Seize the opportunity and get the European certificate 

#HMIMMS (Hospital Major Incident Medical Management and Support)
#The course accredited from ALS group UK& NATO operations .
# international certificate valid for 4 years.
# Course Outlines:
-Hospital MIMMS (HMIMMS) is the leading course for hospital staff responsible for planning, training and managing aspects of a major incident from a hospital perspective
-Pre-course online modular education followed by a 2-day face-to-face course with lectures, workshops and table top exercises. Open to anyone within the hospital, who is involved in managing a major incident. The course is run throughout the UK and overseas, and the cost varies across course centres.
#Course objectives including:
➢ The type and incidence of major incidents and therefore the need for proper response and management planning. 
➢ Understand and able to implement and follow the seven principles encapsulated in the CSCATTT approach to successfully managing a major incident. 
➢ Understand the need for major incident training—focusing on those aspects of the plan which do not occur in day-to-day practice, i.e., command, control, communication and triage. 
➢ Able to deliver the medical support needed for major incidents in the hospital setting using the concept of collapsible
➢ hierarchies

#Course content:
-Six online e-module topics 
• The structured approach to hospital response 
• Planning for major incidents 
• The practical approach on the scene 
• The reception phase 
• Definitive care 
• The recovery phase